Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Inspiration for all!

Ever have that creative itch but nothings getting those inspired juices flowing? Every crafter has those what to do moments.
I know them only too well myself. It's that time that I hit Pintrest to find something only well I'm a huge Pintrest addict so then by the time I draw myself away there's no time to make anything 'doh.

Well if you're anything like me Faye of Unravel & Unwind has a solution for you 
On her page Unravel & Unwind she will be running a new challenge the Creative Creatures Project where each participant draws a rough picture of a creature and shares it on the wall of her Facebook page, this effectively signs you up. 

Then she at random gives each participant one of these pictures at random and the challenge is to recreate this creature in which ever crafty format they feel comfortable with.

When asked how she got the inspiration to run the challenge Faye told me she originally saw it on Ravelry posted by Uncommon Crochet group. 'I thought it was a brilliant way to get people interacting with the Craft Cafe, when they are not physically able to get to us.' 

I have to say I certainly agree with Faye on that one, I find there is a certain fun in taking part of a group especially when you know its all over the country. 

Faye is currently working on her group Unravel & Unwind  'My vision, I believe works towards improving the mental well-being of the local population by providing a happy and cosy place where participants are able to relax, unwind, socialise, communicate and most of all to feel a sense of worth and achievement. Breaking down the barriers within the community by providing workshops and interactive sessions that are affordable, educational and fun.' 

'To keep Unravel & Unwind moving through 2014 and into 2015 we anticipate providing a retail service, workshops, coffee mornings & afternoons, studio space rental and commission stands/spaces (with a percentage of sales coming back to Unravel & Unwind). In addition, myself and Mark will continue to expand our own knowledge & skills by participating in workshops and researching activities that we can then feed back to the community.'

They are running their first Knitting for beginners course next month and anyone in the Cuxton area in Kent and you wanted to learn how to knit, this would be a fantastic course to get you one your way, they even provide the materials. 

I'm currently working on my challenge picture, which drawing is NOT a strong point of mine and I am really looking forward to getting my project picture in return.


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Monday, 24 February 2014

The rise and fall of the crochet rockstar....

So when I decided to focus on crochet due to knitting being a no no and finding fab ergonomically shaped handles for my gammy hands.

Anyway I was relearning as I had only ever managed a flower before lol.

So I went on Youtube found a fab video which made it clear so I could watch with no sound....
So when I went into the local shop to get some wool I spotted a book  Amigurumi Monsters, I HAD to have it, after all it brings me one step closer to crocheting my Husband a Cthulhu.

Anyway I was on a roll rocking that crochet hook like a bad ass and it didn't take overly long before my monsters parts were ready for sewing. Took me a bit longer to get round to stuffing and sewing, I did lose an arm, I suspected behind the husbands radiator but no it wasn't though he found it and then dropped it... Down the back of the radiator, WHOOPS!

So I had sewed it up, bar the missing arm and started on my next project when I looked at the notation, which was american, then it hit me WAIT single crochet is our double crochet, I'VE DONE THE WHOLE THING WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So my Amigurumi Monster which should of been crochet in double crochet was in fact crochet completely in trebles...

So here he is

Only twice the size he should be.

You can find the actual pattern in 
Crochet Bakemono [Monsters!]
Lan-Anh Bui  & Josephine Wan


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Sunday, 23 February 2014

Sunday Spot - 'Lees Portraits' and 'Upcycled & Alcoholic'

Sundays is the day that I am going to cast my net out and feature a fellow crafter in my *DRAMATIC TA-DA-DAA-DAAAAAAAAAAAAA* Sunday Spot.

Today for my first Sunday Spot we will be looking at Lee Allan of Lees Portraits and Upcycled & Alcoholic

Available on her Facebook page 'Upcycled & Alcoholic'
Lee's hand decorated wine glasses are a fantastic example of her work.
You can order your own from her facebook page 
Upcycled & Alcoholic
                                                                  Lee Allan

Give us a short description of yourself:
Mum of 3 who lives in Scotland. 35 years old and a disabled artist who loves to be creative!

If you could describe yourself using just 3 words what would they be?
Determined, loving, creative

Tell us about your craft/Business;
I have a portrait page & a new recycling business making glasses, lamps and candles from alcohol bottles.

How did you get started?
Been drawing since I was a child. Selling commissions took off a few years ago. Especially when I became disabled and cut my hours at work. 
Threat of losing my job has created my second page and I'm hoping it does well!

Describe your style using just 3 words:
Realistic, dramatic and bold

Any other hobbies? 
Watching films, cooking, cake decorating & 'pinning' on Pinterest, and chatting on facebook.

Is there anything you want to try your hands at but not done so yet?
Fabric work and upcycling furniture

Do you follow any blogs/pages? 
Louisa Bone, lots of art pages on Instagram

Recommend any other crafters?
So many good artists out there!

Any last words? 
Thanks for taking the time to read this!

Finally where can we find you?
On Facebook 'Lees Portraits' and 'Upcycled & Alcoholic'
and my website can be found here

All that leaves now is for me to say a big Thank you to Lee Allen for the taking the time to answer my questions.

Don't forget you can find Lee's Portraits and Upcycled & Alcoholic pages on Facebook


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Saturday, 22 February 2014

New-ish Blog

Welcome to my New-ish Blog

I first started this blog a while back as a knitting record.
Then I got sick and I couldn't knit so it sat all sad and unused...

And then I remembered it and thought well hang on,  I now sew, craft and crochet.
I now blog about my general musings and crazy things which pop in my head...

Why not go back to the blog not just to share my wonderful creations with you wonderful readers but in fact what better then a record of my creations and a way to keep check on what progress I have made whats worked and what evidently hasn't...

So what shall you get if you follow my blog... Pictures of my work, a frank and hopefully slightly humorous commentary of one disabled mum crafting for her children and hopefully also taking the world over...


So forget-me-knot

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