What I wanted to do was to bring a wee introduction.
So first a wee list of what we will be looking at I have tried to cover most of the things which if your going to sew you will come across at some point.
As someone who personally has sewn for a while I find some of the things I know how to do but I avoid because I found them a pain in the arse. I know practice makes perfect, I know those things you find annoying, fiddly and difficult to do with practice become easy.
What I really hope is to see more accomplished sewers taking a more advanced look at the basics and showing us all how to really take it forward.
For most of these things you wont need any real equipment I will at the start of each part clearly what you will need if anything.
You do need to know how to do a basic stitch either forward stitch on your sewing machine or to be able to do a running stitch by hand.
So we will look at;
- Zips (You may prefer to buy a zipper foot for your machine if it does not come with one)
- Buttons
- Binding
- Shirring (You will need shirring elastic)
- Gathering
- Appliqué
- Facings*
- Pleats
- Darts
- Collars
- Cuffs*
- Piping (You will need piping cord and may prefer to purchase a piping foot for your machine)
*indicates you will need interfacing to suit your fabric
On the list below I have not put what you need if obvious (ala zips/buttons)Someone asked me how they can follow as they were not very savvy on this if you have a google+ account you can click the connect button on the right hand side
You can follow me on the following
Twitter: #knottednelly and @Disabledmum
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/knotonyournelly
I will also try and pop pictures on Instagram: with #knottednelly and you can add me @insonstis
I will also try and pop pictures on Instagram: with #knottednelly and you can add me @insonstis
And failing all else just book mark the blog and check back often
I will get at least one part up a week so check back at least that often though I hope to get up ideas and my attempts during the week even if they have gone wrong, after all we all make mistakes its how we learn.
So that's all for today but please check back in a couple of days for part one.
Don't forget to leave a comment!
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